FAWL - Natsu 2007

Moderator: gernobono

Beiträge: 140
Registriert: 2. Mär 2007 10:05

FAWL - Natsu 2007

Beitrag von abudisake »

First, sorry for my poor english....

During haru basho 2007, we have try a new game on the french site : abudilooser. On info-sumo's site, you can find the rules in french. They will be translated in english next.
If a german player can translate them in german.... it will be perfect...

The purpose is to find loosers.
There is 5 periods (days 1 to 3, days 4 to 6, days 7 to 9, days 10 to 12, days 13 to 15) and three groups (the high one with the 14 first rikishi of the banzuke, the middle group with the 14 next and the low group with the 14 last).
Before the basho begins, the only thing you have to do is to select 1 rikishi from each group for each period. In fact 15 rikishi who will loose. One rikishi can't be twice in your selection.
At the end of each day, we add the players' looses. There is a ranking, yusho, jun-yusho, the three sansho and a muppet-sho (what is this ????) Fuseigou and I are waiting for you for the natsu basho........

hoping you will find the way

tschuss abudisake
Zuletzt geändert von abudisake am 27. Apr 2007 09:12, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

1 Tipspiel Yusho
1 Tipspiel Yusho
Beiträge: 2201
Registriert: 28. Aug 2005 09:26
Lieblingsrikishi: 鷲馬真
Wohnort: Knoblauchsland

Re: Abudilooser

Beitrag von Jakusotsu »

abudisake hat geschrieben:First, sorry for my poor english....
Don't worry too much, but You might still want to change the name of the game. "Looser" is not an English word.

As for the game: I find it strange to make the picks before the basho. That's even harder to guess than the traditional UDH game (where I usually suck), so I don't have much incentive to try it.
Avatar Copyright © 2004 by Boltono

Beiträge: 140
Registriert: 2. Mär 2007 10:05

Beitrag von abudisake »

Hi all, first, sorry for my poor english !!!

Abudiloser has changed....

Fuseigou and I have tried a new game during the Haru Basho. It has worked well and we want to open it to all.
FAWL Fus&Abu Winner/Loser is based on the knowledge of the torikumi and on sekitori's shape during the basho.
This is a pre basho game in which you have to find winners and losers.

We have separated the banzuke in three groups :
- the high group with the 14 first of the banzuke (from Asashoryu to Tamanoshima)
- the middle group with the 14 next (from Kakizoe to Miyabiyama)
- the low group with the 14 others (from Dejima to Kasuganishiki)

We have also 5 periods :
- day 1 to 3
- day 4 to 6
- day 7 to 9
- day 10 to 12
- day 13 to 15

for each period you have to find one winner and one loser per group
you have to present your (forecast ?) with the model below.

(The winner in first) (only once as a winner and only once as a loser)

Days 1 to 3 : Winner high group & Loser high group / Winner middle group & Loser middle group / Winner low group & Loser low group
Days 4 to 6 : Winner high group & Loser high group / Winner middle group & Loser middle group / Winner low group & Loser low group
Days 7 to 9 : Winner high group & Loser high group / Winner middle group & Loser middle group / Winner low group & Loser low group
Days 10 à to 12 : Winner high group & Loser high group / Winner middle group & Loser middle group / Winner low group & Loser low group
Days 13 to 15 : Winner high group & Loser high group / Winner middle group & Loser middle group / Winner low group & Loser low group

You earn one point per victory or loose. In case of a deuce, a victory of a low sekitori earns a little bit more than a victory of a high sekitori and a loose of a high sekitori earns a little bit more than a loose of a low sekitori.

With this link you can see my forecast for this basho to help you to write yours....

http://www.info-sumo.net/info/modules.p ... pic&t=3129

There are 8 prizes : Yusho, Jun Yusho, Gino-sho, Kanto-sho, Shukun-sho, Fuseigou award, Abudisake award and the famous Muppet-sho......

I hope that Fuseigou and I will have enough time to translate all the rules in english before the basho starts. The dead line is Asashoryu's first dohyo-iri

Hope to see you on the french site to follow our daily results,


Beiträge: 140
Registriert: 2. Mär 2007 10:05

Beitrag von abudisake »

by reading the firsts forecasts, the main played as winners are : Asashoryu and Hakuho and next Wakanosato, Roho, Miyabiyama, Tochinonada and Futeno
the main played as losers are : Ryuo and Tokitsuumi and next Tamanoshima and Otsukasa

the link :
http://www.info-sumo.net/info/modules.p ... pic&t=3129

Beiträge: 140
Registriert: 2. Mär 2007 10:05

Beitrag von abudisake »

let's see your forecasts :

the stars as winners :
still asashoryu (amazing ?) then hakuho and roho and thenwakanosato, miyabiyama, dejima, tochinonada & futeno

the stars as losers :
tokitsuumi, ryuo and the, kotoshogiku, tamanoshima, kakizoe and otsukasa

the most played as winner and loser is kotoshogiku

hoping you will join the fawl.....

Beiträge: 140
Registriert: 2. Mär 2007 10:05

Beitrag von abudisake »

Spielen hier in Sumoforum !!!
Antworten Sie mit dem Model unter....

to remind you how to fill your the fawl's forecast :

choose a winner and a loser from each group and for each period
a rikishi once as a winner and once as a loser but

High group :
Asashoryu - Hakuho - Kotooshu - Kaio - #### - Chiyotaikai - Kotomitsuki - Ama - Toyonoshima - Kotoshogiku - Homasho - Tokitenku - Kokkai - Tamanoshima

Middle group :
Kakizoe - Kisenosato - Aminishiki - Tochiozan - Takekaze - Kakuryu - Tokitsuumi - Kasugao - Takamisakari - Wakanosato - #### - Asasekiryu - Roho - Miyabiyama

Low group :
Dejima - Shimotori - Otsukasa - Tochinonada - Tamakasuga - Satoyama - Futeno - Tochinohana - Ryuo - Hochiyama - Ushiomaru - Iwakiyama - Hokutoriki - Kasuganishiki

day 1 to 3 : Winner high group & Loser high group / Winner middle group & Loser middle group / Winner low group & Loser low group
day 4 to 6 : Winner high group & Loser high group / Winner middle group & Loser middle group / Winner low group & Loser low group
day 7 to 9 : Winner high group & Loser high group / Winner middle group & Loser middle group / Winner low group & Loser low group
day 10 to 12 : Winner high group & Loser high group / Winner middle group & Loser middle group / Winner low group & Loser low group
day 13 to 15 : Winner high group & Loser high group / Winner middle group & Loser middle group / Winner low group & Loser low group

you can answer here on the german site, i will collect your forecast.

Beiträge: 214
Registriert: 28. Aug 2005 15:43
Lieblingsrikishi: Harumafuji,Asashoryu
Wohnort: Bremen

Beitrag von Holleshoryu »

ich probier es einfach mal ...

tag 1-3
hg asashoryu - tamanoshima
mg aminishiki - wakanosato
lg dejima - kasuganishiki

tag 4-6
hg ama - kotoshogiku
mg wakanosato - roho
lg ryuo - satoyama

tag 7-9
hg hakuho - kokkai
mg miyabiyama - kisenosato
lg satoyama - ryuo

tag 10-12
hg chiyotaikai - ama
mg kisenosato - kakuryu
lg otsukasa - ushiomaru

tag 13-15
hg kaio - kotomitsuki
mg tochiozan - takamisakari
lg futeno - tochinohana

mein französisch ist nämlich erbärmlich (bzw. nicht vorhanden)
"Ich habe niemals einen Amnesieinator gebaut ... An so etwas würde ich mich erinnern ..."

Heinz Doofenshmirtz

Beiträge: 140
Registriert: 2. Mär 2007 10:05

Beitrag von abudisake »

vorsicht !!!
tochiazuma intai
kyokutenho kyujo
shimotori kyujo

only two forecasts from this site !!!
fayme und holleshoryu.

los deutschland und osterreich !!!

i remind you that our deadline is the yokozuna's first dohyo iri

Beiträge: 140
Registriert: 2. Mär 2007 10:05

Beitrag von abudisake »

24 hours left to join the fawl

the most played as winner :
from high group : asashoryu, hakuho, kotomitsuki & kotooshu
from middle group : roho, miyabiyama, wakanosato & asasekiryu
from low group : dejima, futeno, tochinonada & iwakiyama

the most played as loser :
from high group : toyonoshima, kotoshogiku, tamanoshima & kaio
from middle group : kakizoe, tokitsuumi & takamisakari
from low group : ryuo, otsukasa, hochiyama & ushiomaru

have a good choice. you can post your forecast by adding a reply after this post.

deadline : yokozuna's first dohyo iri

Beiträge: 140
Registriert: 2. Mär 2007 10:05

Beitrag von abudisake »

So we will be 24 to fawl in this natsu.
No big surprises on this shonishi.
4 perfect (6/6) and 12 5/6 today... very good job...

the ranking : (rank- shikona - win dof the day - loose of the day - total points)

1 - zenjimoto 3 - 3 - 6
2 - kintamayama 3 - 3 - 6
3 - konosato 3 - 3 - 6
4 - holleshoryu 3 - 3 - 6

5 - imumaru 2 - 3 - 5
6 - fayme 2 - 3 - 5
7 - damimonay 2 - 3 - 5
8 - charliki 2 - 3 - 5
9 - kotononami 3 - 2 - 5
10 - le fûsage 3 - 2 - 5
11 - itachi 3 - 2 - 5
12 - doitsuyama 3 - 2 - 5
13 - kitano 3 - 2 - 5
14 - terarno 2 - 3 - 5
15 - neko 3 - 2 - 5
16 - liclic 2 - 3 - 5

17 - takashido 2 - 2 - 4
18 - l'abudisage 2 - 2 - 4
19 - chimatayma 2 - 2 - 4
20 - kaiowaka 2 - 2 - 4
21 - kasamatsuri 2 - 2 - 4
22 - tamanaogijima 3 - 1 - 4

23 - wolfgangho 1 - 2 - 3
24 - marimo 1 - 2 - 3

see you tomorrow....

Beiträge: 140
Registriert: 2. Mär 2007 10:05

Beitrag von abudisake »

still in a very good shape today with 5 new perfect ! congratulations for the happy owners;

the ranking after day 2 : (rank- shikona - looses of the day - wins of the day - total points)

1 - zenjimoto 3 - 2 - 11
2 - kotononami 3 - 3 - 11
3 - itachi 3 - 3 - 11
4 - konosato 3 - 2 - 11
5 - le fûsage 3 - 3 - 11
6 - terarno 3 - 3 - 11
7 - doitsuyama 3 - 3 - 11

8 - charliki 2 - 3 - 10
9 - fay 3 - 2 - 10
9 - neko 3 - 2 - 10
11 - kintamayama 3 - 1 - 10
12 - kitano 3 - 2 - 10
13 - holleshoryu 1 - 3 - 10
14 - liclic 2 - 3 - 10

15 - imumaru 2 - 2 - 9
16 - damimonay 2 - 2 - 9
17 - chimatayma 2 - 3 - 9
18 - tamanaogijima 2 - 3 - 9
19 - kasamatsuri 2 - 3 - 9

20 - l'abudisage 2 - 2 - 8
21 - takashido 2 - 2 - 8

22 - kaiowaka 2 - 1 - 7
23 - wolfgangho 1 - 3 - 7

24 - marimo 0 - 3 - 6

Beiträge: 140
Registriert: 2. Mär 2007 10:05

Beitrag von abudisake »

no perfect today, getting tired ?

ranking at the end of the first period : (#loose du jour - #win du jour - total points)

1 - zenjimoto 3 - 2 - 16
2 - kotononami 3 - 2 - 16
3 - itachi 3 - 2 - 16
4 - le fûsage 3 - 2 - 16
5 - konosato 3 - 2 - 16
6 - terarno 3 - 2 - 16
7 - doitsuyama 3 - 2 - 16

8 - charliki 2 - 3 - 15
9 - fayme 2 - 3 - 15
10 - neko 3 - 2 - 15
11 - kintamayama 3 - 2 - 15
12 - kitano 3 - 2 - 15
13 - holleshoryu 3 - 2 - 15

14 - imumaru 2 - 2 - 13
15 - takashido 2 - 3 - 13
16 - damimonay 2 - 2 - 13
17 - chimatayma 2 - 2 - 13
18 - liclic 1 - 2 - 13
19 - kasamatsuri 2 - 2 - 13

20 - kaiowaka 2 - 3 - 12
21 - tamanaogijima 2 - 1 - 12

22 - l'abudisage 2 - 1 - 11

23 - wolfgangho 0 - 2 - 9

24 - marimo 0 - 2 - 8

the pairs switch !!!
see you tomorrow !

Beiträge: 140
Registriert: 2. Mär 2007 10:05

Beitrag von abudisake »

at the end of the first period, let's have a look at at the award race :


SHUKUN-SHO : ITACHI (first maegashira without yusho & jun-yusho)
GINO-SHO : TERARNO (8 square = 8 wins & 8 looses)

FUSEIGOU'S AWARD (best for winners) : CHARLIKI

MUPPET-SHO : still free......

Beiträge: 140
Registriert: 2. Mär 2007 10:05

Beitrag von abudisake »

topics for the day 4 :

marimo, neko, kitano, wolgangho and master zenjimoto add one perfect to their count.

holleshoryu has missed the start of the muppet-sho race with a wonderful 1/6

lthe ranking : (loose of the day - win of the day - total pts - X/15-X)

1 - zenjimoto 3 - 3 - 22 - 12/3

2 - kotononami 2 - 3 - 21 - 11/4
3 - itach 2 - 3 - 21 - 11/4
4 - neko 3 - 3 - 21 - 11/4
5 - le fûsage 3 - 2 - 21 - 11/4
6 - kitano 3 - 3 - 21 - 11/4

7 - doitsuyama 2 - 2 - 20 - 10/5

8 - charliki 2 - 2 - 19 - 9/6
9 - kintamayama 2 - 2 - 19 - 9/6
10 - konosato 1 - 2 - 19 - 9/6

11 - fayme 1 - 2 - 18 - 8/7
12 - terarno 1 - 1 - 18 - 8/7

13 - takashido 3 - 1 - 17 - 7/8
14 - damimonay 3 - 1 - 17 - 7/8
15 - kasamatsuri 2 - 2 - 17 - 7/8

16 - imumaru 1 - 2 - 16 - 6/9
17 - kaiowaka 2 - 2 - 16 - 6/9
18 - chimatayma 1 - 2 - 16 - 5/10
19 - tamanaogijima 1 - 3 - 16 - 5/10
20 - holleshoryu 1 - 0 - 16 - 5/10
21 - liclic 1 - 2 - 16 - 5/10

22 - wolfgangho 3 - 3 - 15 - 4/11

23 - l'abudisage 1 - 2 - 14 - 3/12
24 - marimo 3 - 3 - 14 - 3/12

see you tomorrow !

Beiträge: 140
Registriert: 2. Mär 2007 10:05

Beitrag von abudisake »

who has created this bloody ranking ? so now, i must cheat !!!

1 - zenjimoto 2 - 2 - 26 - 11/4

2 - kotononami 2 - 2 - 25 - 11/4
3 - neko 2 - 2 - 25 - 11/4
4 - le fûsage 1 - 3 - 25 - 11/4
5 - kitano 2 - 2 - 25 - 11/4

6 - doitsuyama 1 - 3 - 24 - 10/5

7 - charliki 2 - 2 - 23 - 9/6
8 - kintamayama 1 - 3 - 23 - 9/6
9 - itachi 1 - 1 - 23 - 9/6
10 - terarno 3 - 2 - 23 - 9/6

11 - fayme 3 - 1 - 22 - 8/7
12 - takashido 3 - 2 - 22 - 8/7
13 - konosato 0 - 3 - 22 - 8/7

14 - damimonay 2 - 1 - 20 - 6/9
15 - kaiowaka 3 - 1 - 20 - 6/9
16 - tamanaogijima 2 - 2 - 20 - 6/9
17 - kasamatsuri 2 - 1 - 20 - 6/9

18 - imumaru 1 - 2 - 19 - 5/10
19 - chimatayma 1 - 2 - 19 - 5/10
20 - holleshoryu 1 - 2 - 19 - 5/10
21 - liclic 1 - 2 - 19 - 5/10

22 - marimo 2 - 2 - 18 - 4/11
23 - wolfgangho 2 - 1 - 18 - 4/11

24 - l'abudisage 1 - 2 - 17 - 4/11

see you tomorrow !

Beiträge: 140
Registriert: 2. Mär 2007 10:05

Beitrag von abudisake »

crazy day in all the sumo games, fawl is like the others :
perfect for kintamayama, marimo, neko, kotononami, wolfgangho, tamanaogijima and still the leader zenjimoto.

the ranking at the end of the second period :

1 - zenjimoto 3 - 3 - 32 - 12/3

2 - kotononami 3 - 3 - 31 - 11/4
3 - neko 3 - 3 - 31 - 11/4

4 - kitano 2 - 3 - 30 - 10/5

5 - kintamayama 3 - 3 - 29 - 10/5
6 - le fûsage 1 - 3 - 29 - 10/5
7 - doitsuyama 2 - 3 - 29 - 10/5

8 - terarno 3 - 2 - 28 - 9/6
9 - charliki 2 - 2 - 28 - 9/6

10 - takashido 2 - 3 - 27 - 8/7

11 - fayme 2 - 2 - 26 - 7/8
12 - itachi 1 - 2 - 26 - 7/8
13 - tamanaogijima 3 - 3 - 26 - 7/8

14 - damimonay 3 - 2 - 25 - 7/8
15 - konosato 1 - 2 - 25 - 7/8

16 - kaiowaka 2 - 2 - 24 - 6/9
17 - marimo 3 - 3 - 24 - 6/9
18 - kasamatsuri 2 - 2 - 24 - 6/9

19 - imumaru 1 - 3 - 23 - 5/10
20 - chimatayma 2 - 2 - 23 - 5/10

21 - wolfgangho 3 - 3 - 22 - 5/10
22 - liclic 1 - 2 - 22 - 5/10

23 - l'abudisage 2 - 2 - 21 - 4/11
24 - holleshoryu 1 - 1 - 21 - 4/11

see you tomorrow for the beginning of the third period....

Beiträge: 140
Registriert: 2. Mär 2007 10:05

Beitrag von abudisake »

start of the third êriod with new pairs for all..... it's getting harder with uncertain torikumi and amazing results

2 perfect for imumaru and kaiowaka. the 5 firsts have taken off..... for the others it's "houston ? we have a problem !"

the ranking :

1 - zenjimoto 2 - 2 - 36 - 12/3
2 - neko 3 - 2 - 26 - 12/3

3 - kotononami 2 - 2 - 35 - 11/4

4 - kintamayama 2 - 3 - 34 - 10/5
5 - kitano 2 - 2 - 34 - 10/5

6 - charliki 2 - 2 - 31 - 8/7
7 - le fûsage 1 - 1 - 31 - 8/7
8 - doitsuyama 0 - 2 - 31 - 8/7
9 - terarno 2 - 1 - 31 - 8/7

10 - takashido 1 - 2 - 30 - 8/7
11 - kaiowaka 3 - 3 - 30 - 8/7
12 - tamanaogijima 2 - 2 - 30 - 8/7

13 - imumaru 3 - 3 - 29 - 7/8
14 - itachi 1 - 2 - 29 - 7/8

15 - fayme 1 - 1 - 28 - 7/8
16 - konosato 1 - 2 - 28 - 7/8
17 - marimo 2 - 2 - 28 - 7/8

18 - damimonay 1 - 1 - 27 - 6/9
19 - kasamatsuri 3 - 0 - 27 - 6/9

20 - chimatayma 1 - 2 - 26 - 5/10
21 - wolfgangho 2 - 1 - 25 - 5/10
22 - liclic 1 - 2 - 25 - 5/10

23 - l'abudisage 1 - 2 - 24 - 4/11

24 - holleshoryu 1 - 1 - 23 - 3/12

see you tomorrow !

Beiträge: 140
Registriert: 2. Mär 2007 10:05

Beitrag von abudisake »

hard day today.... only konosato has been able to find the perfect. neko seems to be the only one able to overtake zenjimoto (the leader since the first day).

the new ranking after the eight day :

1 - zenjimoto 2 - 3 - 41 - 12/3

2 - neko 2 - 2 - 40 - 11/4

3 - kintamayama 2 - 2 - 38 - 10/5
4 - kitano 2 - 2 - 38 / 10/5

5 - kotononami 0 - 2 - 37 - 9/6

6 - kaiowaka 2 - 3 - 35 - 8/7
7 - doitsuyama 2 - 2 - 35 - 8/7

8 - takashido 1 - 3 - 34 - 8/7
9 - imumaru 2 - 3 - 34 - 8/7
10 - charliki 1 - 2 - 34 - 8/7
11 - konosato 3 - 3 - 34 - 8/7
12 - terarno 1 - 2 - 34 - 8/7
13 - tamanaogijima 3 - 1 - 34 - 8/7

14 - le fûsage 0 - 2 - 33 - 7/8
15 - marimo 2 - 3 - 33 - 7/8

16 - fayme 3 - 1 - 32 - 7/8
17 - itachi 1 - 2 - 32 - 7/8

18 - damimonay 2 - 2 - 31 - 6/9
19 - kasamatsuri 1 - 3 - 31 - 6/9

20 - chimatayma 1 - 3 - 30 - 6/9

21 - wolfgangho 2 - 2 - 29 - 5/10

22 - l'abudisage 1 - 3 - 28 - 4/11
23 - holleshoryu 3 - 2 - 28 - 4/11
24 - liclic 0 - 3 - 28 - 4/11

see you tomorrow for the end of the third period...

Beiträge: 140
Registriert: 2. Mär 2007 10:05

Beitrag von abudisake »

yesterday was a hard day... what about today ???? only kotononami and chimatayma have been able to score 5 points !!!!! .....

leader zenjimoto has fallen and have taken a good place for the muppet-sho's race with only 1 point scored ....

the ranking at the end of the third round :

1 - neko 2 - 2 - 44 - 11/4

2 - kotononami 3 - 2 - 42 - 10/5
3 - zenjimoto 1 - 0 - 42 - 10/5

4 - kitano 2 - 1 - 41 - 10/5

5 - kintamayama 1 - 1 - 40 - 9/6

6 - kaiowaka 3 - 1 - 39 - 9/6

7 - charliki 2 - 2 - 38 - 8/7
8 - terarno 2 - 2 - 38 - 8/7
9 - tamanaogijima 2 - 2 - 38 - 8/7

10 - konosato 1 - 2 - 37 - 8/7
11 - doitsuyama 1 - 1 - 37 - 8/7

12 - takashido 2 - 0 - 36 - 7/8
13 - fayme 2 - 2 - 36 - 7/8
14 - imumaru 1 - 1 - 36 - 7/8
15 - le fûsage 1 - 2 - 36 - 7/8
16 - marimo 1 - 2 - 36 - 7/8

17 - damimonay 1 - 3 - 35 - 7/8
18 - itachi 2 - 1 - 35 - 7/8
19 - chimatayma 3 - 2 - 35 - 7/8

20 - kasamatsuri 1 - 1 - 33 - 6/9

21 - holleshoryu 1 - 3 - 32 - 5/10

22 - l'abudisage 1 - 2 - 31 - 5/10
23 - wolfgangho 0 - 2 - 31 - 5/10

24 - liclic 1 - 1 - 30 - 4/11

we will change the pairs tomorrow.... see you

Beiträge: 140
Registriert: 2. Mär 2007 10:05

Beitrag von abudisake »

what about the sansho's race ?

yusho : neko
jun-yusho : kotononami

shukun-sho : zenjimoto
kanto-sho : zenjimoto (3 perfects)
gino-sho : kintamayama (20-20) kotononami has 21-21 but can't add jun-yusho and gino

fus award : marimo
abu award : neko

muppet sho : none 0/6. holleshoryu or zenjimoto, the two who have scored 1/6 could be candidate but it has to be approved by the "sages"...

see you tomorrow

Beiträge: 140
Registriert: 2. Mär 2007 10:05

Beitrag von abudisake »

getting tired ? no 5/6 today !!!
nobody has found 3 wins and only kotononami has found 3 looses !!!

charliki, holeshoryu and kaiowaka hve scored 1/6 and have taken position for the muppet-sho !!!

the ranking at the beginning of the 4th round :

1 - neko 2 - 2 - 48 - 11/4
2 - kotononami 3 - 1 - 46 - 10/5
3 - kitano 2 - 2 - 45 - 10/5
4 - zenjimoto 0 - 2 - 44 - 10/5
5 - kintamayama 2 - 2 - 44 - 10/5
6 - terarno 2 - 2 - 42 - 9/6
7 - doitsuyama 2 - 2 - 41 - 8/7
8 - tamanaogijima 1 - 2 - 41 - 8/7
9 - imumaru 2 - 2 - 40 - 8/7
10 - kaiowaka 1 - 0 - 40 - 8/7
11 - konosato 2 - 1 - 40 - 8/7
12 - takashido 2 - 1 - 39 - 7/8
13 - fayme 2 - 1 - 39 - 7/8
14 - charliki 1 - 0 - 39 - 7/8
15 - damimonay 2 - 2 - 39 - 7/8
16 - le fûsage 2 - 1 - 39 - 7/8
17 - marimo 2 - 1 - 39 - 7/8
18 - chimatayma 1 - 2 - 38 - 7/8
19 - itachi 1 - 1 - 37 - 6/9
20 - kasamatsuri 2 - 2 - 37 / 6/9
21 - wolfgangho 2 - 2 - 35 - 5/10
22 - l'abudisage 2 - 1 - 34 - 5/10
23 - holleshoryu 0 - 1 - 33 - 4/11
24 - liclic 2 - 1 - 33 - 4/11

see you tomorrow

Beiträge: 140
Registriert: 2. Mär 2007 10:05

Beitrag von abudisake »

well..... we 've got one !!!!!!! the muppet-sho have found someone to sleep with until the next basho......
don't worry german fawler, at this moment he will stay in france..... in chimatayma's bedroom... poor your boy.... shame on him.....
so after this very good news, let's have a look to this horrific day !!!! only 5 players have score 4/6. so i will ask you to practice more shiko and so on to be able to be healthy during the 15 days of a basho...

the ranking (loose of the day - wins of the day - total points - sumo score) :
1 - neko 1 - 1 - 50 - 11/4
2 - kotononami 1 - 2 - 49 - 11/4
3 - kitano 2 - 2 - 49 - 11/4
4 - kintamayama 2 - 2 - 48 - 10/5
5 - zenjimoto 1 - 1 - 46 - 9/6
6 - tamanaogijima 2 - 2 - 45 - 9/6
7 - doitsuyama 1 - 2 - 44 - 8/7
8 - konosato 2 - 1 - 43 - 8/7
9 - terarno 1 - 0 - 43 - 8/7
10 - imumaru 1 - 1 - 42 - 7/8
11 - fayme 1 - 2 - 42 - 7/8
12 - takashido 2 - 1 - 42 - 7/8
13 - kaiowaka 1 - 1 - 42 - 7/8
14 - marimo 1 - 2 - 42 - 7/8
15 - charliki 1 - 1 - 41 - 7/8
16 - damimonay 1 - 1 - 41 - 7/8
17 - le fûsage 2 - 0 - 41 - 7/8
18 - kasamatsuri 2 - 2 - 41 - 7/8
19 - wolfgangho 2 - 2 - 39 - 6/9
20 - itachi 1 - 1 - 39 - 6/9
21 - chimatayma 0 - 0 - 38 - 6/9
22 - holleshoryu 1 - 2 - 36 - 5/10
23 - l'abudisage 1 - 0 - 35 - 4/11
24 - liclic 1 - 0 - 34 - 4/11

see you tomorrow !

Beiträge: 140
Registriert: 2. Mär 2007 10:05

Beitrag von abudisake »

but don't say it to loud, it's me....!!! :lol: :lol:

today, we've got all : from 0 to 6 for marimo

the new ranking at the end of the 4th round :

1 - kotononami 3 - 2 - 54 - 11/4
2 - kitano 2 - 2 - 53 - 11/4
3 - kintamayama 3 - 2 - 52 - 11/4
4 - neko 1 - 1 - 52 - 10/5
5 - zenjimoto 2 - 3 - 51 - 10/5
6 - tamanaogijima 1 - 3 - 49 - 9/6
7 - terarno 2 - 3 - 48 - 9/6
8 - doitsuyama 2 - 1 - 47 - 8/7
9 - konosato 2 - 1 - 46 / 8/7
10 - marimo 3 - 3 - 46 - 8/7
11 - le fûsage 2 - 2 - 45 - 7/8
12 - takashido 2 - 1 - 45 - 7/8
13 - kasamatsuri 2 - 2 - 45 - 7/8
14 - imumaru 0 - 2 - 44 - 7/8
15 - kaiowaka 1 - 1 - 44 - 7/8
16 - itachi 2 - 3 - 44 - 7/8
17 - fayme 1 - 0 - 43 - 7/8
18 - charliki 1 - 1 - 43 - 7/8
19 - damimonay 0 - 1 - 42 - 7/8
20 - wolfgangho 2 - 1 - 41 - 6/9
21 - chimatayma 1 - 3 - 42 - 6/9
22 - holleshoryu 2 - 2 - 40 - 5/10
23 - liclic 2 - 0 - 36 - 4/11
24 - l'abudisage 0 - 0 - 35 - 3/12

last round starts tomorrow ! good luck !

Beiträge: 140
Registriert: 2. Mär 2007 10:05

Beitrag von abudisake »

ranking after day 13 : kintamayama is getting closer from the lead.....

1 - kotononami 2 - 1 - 57 - 11/4
2 - kintamayama 2 - 2 - 57 - 11/4
3 - kitano 1 - 2 - 56 - 11/4
4 - neko 1 - 1 - 54 - 10/5
5 - zenjimoto 1 - 1 - 53 - 10/5
6 - terarno 2 - 2 - 52 - 9/6
7 - tamanaogijima 2 - 1 - 52 - 9/6
8 - konosato 3 - 2 - 51 / 8/7
9 - doitsuyama 2 - 1 - 50 - 8/7
10 - marimo 2 - 2 - 50 - 8/7
11 - le fûsage 1 - 2 - 48 - 7/8
12 - takashido 2 - 1 - 48 - 7/8
13 - kaiowaka 1 - 2 - 47 - 7/8
14 - itachi 2 - 1 - 47 - 7/8
15 - wolfgangho 3 - 2 - 47 - 7/8
16 - chimatayma 2 - 3 - 47 - 7/8
17 - kasamatsuri 1 - 1 - 47 - 7/8
18 - imumaru 0 - 2 - 46 - 6/9
19 - fayme 2 - 1 - 46 - 6/9
20 - damimonay 1 - 2 - 46 - 6/9
21 - charliki 1 - 1 - 45 - 6/9
22 - holleshoryu 2 - 1 - 44 - 6/9
23 - liclic 3 - 2 - 41 - 5/10
24 - l'abudisage 1 - 2 - 38 - 3/12

see you tomorrow !!


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